Getting curious with my inner world and releasing what was “getting in my way” changed my life

I was a burnout corporate mama to 3 kids in 2 years. I had normalized parenting and working in survival mode, hyper-productive 24/7 with zero time for myself, stuck in patterns of people pleasing, perfectionism, overthinking and a vocal inner critic. When people called me a super mama I felt like an imposter as my inner world was a house of cards just one card away from collapsing.

I did my fair share of pointing the blame of my stress and overwhelm at others, and was obsessed with looking for ways to be more productive, until one night I heard an internal whisper… “you’re getting in your own way”. There it was 💡

While our family of 5 was battling covid, I booked myself into a bucket list yoga retreat in Mexico. This “yoga” retreat was 60 minutes of yoga a day and the rest was deep mayan healing, releasing and reconnecting with my authentic self and intuition. This pivot point, or as some would say an awakening, was the beginning of one bumpy, messy and imperfect ride!

The experimenter in me started to explore ways to effectively unravel deeply embedded patterns, like looking externally for validation, or priding myself on getting along with everyone. I found myself transported back to the younger version of me. The beliefs and emotions from my childhood, were the reasons why I was stuck, and repeating cycles which no longer felt aligned.

From my lived experience, I believe everyone can uncover and release the beliefs and blocks holding them back from reaching their full potential.

Deep personal change is a collaborative journey and my role is to be your partner through it all

As a coach, I focus on creating a trusting, connected environment that stirs curiosity and encourages introspection. My approach isn't about quick fixes; it's about meaningful, lasting change.

I’ve completed training as a NeuroLeadership Institute Results coach and a facilitator for the Immunity to Change framework. I bring over 20 years of Global Corporate experience immersed in the human-side of complex change, employee and customer strategy and leadership coaching within innovation and transformation teams.